When it comes to gacha games, determining how to efficiently and effectively earn resources is often the top thing on players’ minds. With that in mind, redemption codes can be a great way to relieve stress when the occasional session of grinding leads to an uneventful series of bad item drops.

To that end, check out how to redeem your Genshin Impact codes down below so you can have a new source of shiny, new rewards for the occasional pick-me-up.

Genshin Impact redemption codes explained 


Following the massive success of Genshin Impact, the creators of this huge gacha game have seemingly decided to give back in an exciting way. Specifically, developer miHoYo has begun slowly trickling out redemption codes.

As with many games, redemption codes are released sporadically and they do expire. They are just as valuable as they are impermanent. Consequently, you will want to act fast whenever you do get your hands on a new code.

All in all, redemption codes can provide varying bounties of things. They can offer Primogems. They can provide Adventurer’s Experience. A code can even provide a combination of Mora Coins and Primogems. As redemption codes are a newer feature of Genshin Impact, it is possible that new kinds of codes that offer different rewards will be available in the future.

While each redemption code is certainly worth using, each one can only be used once per account and each server has its own unique codes. In other words, the codes intended for the European server will not function on the United States server. That being said, it’s an easy process. Check out how to redeem your codes down below.

How to redeem codes in Genshin Impact

Once you have snagged a code that you would like to redeem, there are a few steps that you will need to follow before you can start enjoying your new rewards. With that in mind, it’s not a difficult process.

Make your way to the official Genshin Impact website here. Make sure to log into your account before continuing. Select “Redeem Code” from the navigation bar at the top of the homepage. Click on the “Server” dropdown box and select your country of residence. If your character’s nickname did not automatically populate within the “Character Nickname” section, then fill out the information accordingly. Enter your redemption code within the “Redemption Code” field.   Finally, select “Redeem” below to earn your reward.

If your redemption code is valid and you have followed the steps provided above, then you will receive an in-game email featuring your shiny new reward. Check out our variety of Genshin Impact guides here on GameSkinny.

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