And as an Anemo unit, she can also equip the 4pc. Viridescent Venerer set to buff Pyro/Hydro/Electro/Cryo teammates. This lets her become a healer, DPS, battery, and buffer all in one – so she basically works everywhere. However, she still competes with other units in some of her team slots. She works everywhere, but she’s not always the best in those roles. Note: This is based on meta only. So if you like Jean regardless of her power level, don’t let this stop you from playing her.

Pros & Cons

Jean Strengths

Jean’s best selling point is her abundance of utility. She can contribute to both the survivability and DPS of her teams. Some of her most notable abilities include healing, triggering fall damage, resistance shred, Anemo cleanse, and particle generation. So she’s basically a DPS, healer, buffer, and battery all in a single team slot. Jean can be drafted into any team thanks to her different abilities – even when the team doesn’t make full use of all of them. For instance, Jean is especially good in teams with swirl-able elements like Pyro/Hydro/Electro/Cryo. This lets her use the 4pc. Viridescent Venerer artifact set and buff teammates. But she shrill works really well even without those elements – namely in Geo or Anemo teams. This includes teams like Double Geo Xiao. Jean is one of the best units for this team thanks to her healing and good particle generation.

Jean Weaknesses

Although Jean can easily slot into any team, she does have plenty of competition in them. The most notable ones are fellow Anemo units. In most cases, she competes with other Anemo units that are just situationally better. Here’s a deeper comparison between her and other notable Anemo characters.

Are Jean’s Constellations Good?

Jean has good constellations. They’re easily one of the best 5-star standard pulls you can get. They’re mostly quality-of-life and damage buffs. The most notable one is C4, which is especially good with Anemo DPS units – including Jean herself. But there’s no need to actively pull for cons – you’ll naturally get them while pulling in the limited and standard banners.

C1: Spiraling Tempest

Increases the pulling speed of Jean’s elemental skill after holding for more than 1s and increases the damage dealt by 40%. This is mainly good when triggering fall damage through her skill. And in this case, it’s a nice damage increase. Otherwise, C1 doesn’t give any additional damage.

C2: People’s Aegis

When Jean picks up an elemental orb/particle, all party members gain a 15% increased movement speed and attack speed for 15s. This is mainly a quality-of-life buff. It basically makes it easier for teammates to execute combos and perform more attacks. However, the speed increase varies per unit. Ranged attacks generally benefit from this more than melee units. Regardless, increased speed feels nice and comfortable to have.

C3: When the West Wind Rises

Increases her elemental burst talent level by 3. This is a good damage increase, especially in a DPS build.

C4: Lands of Dandelion

Shreds 40% Anemo resistance of all opponents inside her burst. This constellation is one of the very few sources of Anemo resistance shred in the game. So it’s especially valuable for Anemo DPS units like Xiao, Wanderer, and Heizou. C4 also increases Jean’s personal Anemo damage.

C5: Outbursting Gust

Increases her elemental skill talent level by 3. This is a nice, direct buff to Jean’s skill damage.

C6: Lion’s Fang, Fair Protector of Mondstadt

Decreases 35% incoming damage when inside Jean’s burst. Upon leaving her burst, this effect also lasts for 3 attacks or 10s. This further increases the team’s survivability. However, the damage reduction doesn’t affect other sources of incoming damage like corrosion. Its effects are relatively underwhelming for a 6th constellation.

Genshin Impact  Is Jean Good   Pros   Cons    - 39Genshin Impact  Is Jean Good   Pros   Cons    - 53Genshin Impact  Is Jean Good   Pros   Cons    - 61Genshin Impact  Is Jean Good   Pros   Cons    - 7