At Refinement Rank 5 (R5) Level 90, it has a Base ATK of 454 and a secondary stat of 55.1% ATK. Its passive is called Oceanic Victory, and it has the following effects:

Increases Elemental Burst damage by 24%. When the wielder’s burst hits opponents, there’s a 100% chance of summoning a huge onrush of tuna. This deals 200% ATK as AOE damage. This effect can only occur once every 15s.

This passive is very easy to proc, so it’s basically guaranteed every rotation – there are no special combos or stacking mechanics needed. It’s a very versatile weapon that often competes with Prototype Archaic. If you already have Luxurious Sea-Lord, there’s generally no need to craft Prototype Archaic. And if you don’t have Prototype Archaic, Luxurious Sea-Lord is a great alternative. Additionally, here’s a more detailed list of its synergy with all currently playable claymore users.

Great means that Sea-Lord is one of the character’s best 4-star weapons. Good means that Sea-Lord works on the character, but there are generally better options – usually other 4-star weapons. Not recommended means that the character has significantly better options – or they just don’t benefit from ATK.