Couples that decide to take part in geocaching have to consider the financial and emotional costs associated with it. Geocaching is typically more expensive if you consider the expenses of two separate housing arrangements. Geobachelors could save on costs by applying and receiving a basic house allowance. Unfortunately, the amount does not change regardless of the service member’s location.


The process of becoming a geo-bachelor is quite simple. Once the orders for your station are in, you can apply for a geo-bachelor status. After your application is accepted, you can start looking for housing options in your new station.

Basic House Allowance

The military offers service members who are geocaching a housing allowance that will aid in offsetting the cost of housing. The cost of housing determines the amount in your designated duty location, but individuals are given the freedom to choose where they want to live. The housing allowance amount, however, will remain the same.

Military bases provide accommodation in the barracks when there is adequate space. They may be required to pay about 400 to 800$ in accommodation or opt for lodging and rentals if these are no longer available.

Reasons For Geocaching

There are plenty of reasons why couples choose to enlist for geocaching, among them include:

Career considerations– A spouse may be unwilling to relocate if their career is steadily rising.

Health and medical considerations– For families with a child or relative with special needs, moving would mean they would have to find alternative care, which may not always be present in the new designated location.

Balance and stability– In cases where children are involved, couples may decide that uprooting their lives every few months may not be the best option, especially for younger children just starting school. The stability may also be for spouses who may not want to acclimatize to new environments and cultures.

Housing considerations–  Families that acquired their housing through veteran’s affairs loans may have no choice but to remain behind and occupy the home as required by Federal law.

What To Expect When Moving For Geocaching?

Financial challenge supporting two households is to be expected, but if your spouse has a good career and you find an affordable living option in your new location, you and your family can manage easily.

Finding an affordable place for the military spouse to live.If the basic allowance is significant, renting an apartment could be an option. If the basic housing allowance is lower than the cost of living in the new station, you may have to explore options such as renting a room. An application called military owners permits users to rent a room by signing in and selecting homes for rent as an option. If you can find a room for rent, then go ahead and select one that fits your specification.

Furniture procurement- Depending on the option a service member selects for housing, renting furniture could be affordable if you live in an apartment. You can also find affordable furniture in garage sales, but the best option would be to move to an already furnished house or room to save on extra expenses.


The main disadvantage of geocaching is the expense of supporting and managing two households. This can range from food, transportation, and utilities.

Another challenge is the emotional baggage that comes with separation. Some families only get to spend 2 to 3 weeks together, if they are lucky, due to the constant travel, change in stations, and unpredictable schedules.


In summary, geocaching is an option available to couples searching for a bit of control in an already difficult situation. Although, it is a challenging arrangement, the good news is that it is not a permanent situation, and once the military spouse is up for retirement, they can spend time with their families and make up for all the lost time.

Do couples with two military service members get a basic housing allowance?

Households with two military service members receive double the basic housing allowance if there are no dependents.

Are military ex-spouses paid?

Besides the benefits like tuition and medical coverage, military spouses do not receive any remuneration.

Which states typically have the highest basic housing allowance?

California and New York typically have the highest basic house allowance amounts associated with the cost of living in these regions.

What does my basic house allowance depend on?

It depends on the current duty station and the rank of the military service member.