Things to keep note of when reviewing movies

Movie reviews should never be overly professional, a professional movie reviewer knows that all good movie reviews are those that read like a discussion between friends. 

Start a movie review with a summary of the movie then begin by stating your thoughts on various parts and aspects of the movie. 

If not a freelancer it is best to know whether the app or website condones spoilers, otherwise keep reviews as spoiler-free as possible 

To boost views and increase search result appearances, reviews should contain the name of major actors and actresses in the cast

Ensure to leave a rating in each movie review

Ways to get paid to review movies

Freelance movie reviewing

A search on the internet for sites or companies looking for movie reviewers is all one requires to send in applications, get accepted, start reviewing, and get paid. There are platforms focused on assisting freelance workers to gain work such as Upwork and Fiverr. Setting up profiles on such platforms. There are always customers looking to hire movie reviewers. 

Movie review blogs

Movie reviewing is such a lucrative niche, although there are big-name movie reviewers in the industry, it doesn’t negate the fact that starting individuals will also be able to make names for themselves. Movie review bloggers can make up to $10,000 per month or even more. This method may take a long time before it starts turning in notable profits, but it is worth it in the long run, as there are people with movie review blogging as the main source of their income. 

How to make money with blogs?

Some companies pay to display ads on websites. An example of such companies is AdSense

Sell products for companies on the website, and get a share with every sale made

Add a button or a link that’ll allow readers to send you money if they wish to 

Sell or advertise your products on the blog page 

Be a Netflix tagger 

Netflix pays people to watch movies and tags them according to categories. The pay is according to the number of movies tagged and the accuracy of such tags. Netflix hires people based on qualifications, vacancies are displayed on the Netflix careers page


This is a website that pays people for completing tasks and engaging in activities, such as answering surveys and as of current even watching movies on Netflix. People are paid $30 per month

Reviewing movies on youtube

This is similar to blogging just that youtube is a video app, as most people may prefer to watch rather than read. Making reviews on youtube is a great idea to get paid. Once a movie reviewer gains substantial followers, the money will start coming in. The good thing with this method is that it is not expensive to start. 

How to use youtube to review movies and get paid?

Create a channel with a catchy and interesting name

Add pictures to the created profile and fill the about sections with relevant and witty information 

Ensure to have some basic skills concerning video editing, and thumbnail creation (canvas is man’s best friend)

Watch a movie to be reviewed, or just watch any movie and decide if the movie is to be reviewed. 

Record a video reviewing the movie (use the reviewing guidelines provided above). Edit as you like, adding scenes from the video or memes or whatever feels right. 

Create a good enough thumbnail to get clicks

Upload video 

With consistency and persistence, the review video will reach its best and bring in numerous viewers and followers. 

How to get paid using youtube?

AdSense or other platforms that pay to display ads. 

Affiliate marketing 

Link or button to get donations from viewers

Earnings depend on revenue per mille- how much money is earned per each 1000 views 

Nowadays money can be made through various means, one of which is being paid to review movies. This article has provided information on ways to gain income while reviewing movies, some of the positive attributes of the ways provided, and how to work with the methods provided.  

It is not common knowledge how one can get paid to review movies, you may want to share this article with your friends and family.  

Is there any get-rich-quick method when reviewing movies?

No, there isn’t. All methods require time, consistency, and diligence. 

Can movie reviewing be a main source of income?

Yes, definitely. There are numerous reviewers out there who make their main income from reviewing movies either as freelancers, on youtube, or on blogs. 

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