With the Skunk Lock, the chemicals it sprays out won’t kill you but it’ll definitely put a bad taste in your mouth. He says the chemical is legal, and that he has tested it on himself andfriends (with permission, we assume). “At two feet it was pretty bad,“he told the paper. “It was absolutely vomit inducing in 99% of people.At five feet it’s very noticeable and the initial reaction is to moveaway from it.”

Though the con to this invention is that if say the bike tries to get stolen on a busy strip (such as Valencia street), it could go off in a crowd of people causing mass panic. Totally our assumption but it wouldn’t end pretty for anyone.

Idzkowski hopes to deliver the locks by June of next year, and his Indigogo campaign is over halfway funded.

Written by Anthony Rogers, photos courtesy of Skunk Lock — Is it funny or possibly dangerous? Let us know on Twitter.