This whole beta thing isn’t particularly new, but is something those of you playing the Steam version of the game may want to check out to extend your time with the game if you have not done so already. (Note: Mac users currently cannot opt into the community level beta.)

The post explaining how to get into the beta and what it’s for can be found here. Some convenient screenshots down below on the few simple clicks it takes to get into the beta, and how you can tell you have done so successfully.

Right click Monaco, then click on ‘Properties’.

Wander to the ‘Betas’ tab and choose ‘Beta - pc WIP’.

At this point, you may or may not receive a prompt when loading the game. I’ve only seen it once and can’t force it again, so I can’t give you a screenshot! But if you do, that prompt should have a choice to launch the game.

If you do not get any notification that you have entered the beta before Monaco launches, you can tell in level select. This should be what your screen looks like:

The categories seem to imply that Monaco will be receiving Steam Workshop support, though that has yet to be mentioned by Pocketwatch Games.

Something to note when playing while playing the beta is that multiplayer is far more prone to crashing. I personally have not had any issues while playing community levels in single player, but did experience several crashes in multiplayer. These usually come up at character select, so if you get into a game with a friend and can choose a character you are generally safe.

I look forward to more stable community level support, but for the time being this is good enough for those of you looking to get more playtime out of Monaco.