Ever since it was confirmed that Chris Hemsworth would appear in Paul Feig’s Ghostbusters reboot, in a supporting role as a receptionist, fans and critics have been wondering what to expect from the actor in a vastly different role than fans – Marvel, specifically – have become accustomed to seeing on the big screen. With Hemsworth’s character not being a central figure in the film, not much is known about how Kevin the Receptionist will mesh with the all-female lead cast.

However, Ghostbusters hits theaters early next month, so more information surrounding the film figures to trickle out in the coming weeks. With Hemsworth’s character in Ghostbusters being so different than Marvel’s Thor, he was bound to be asked about playing such a different role in one of this summer’s biggest blockbusters.

As it turn out the actor was on hand at the Wizard World Philadelphia Comic Con over the weekend, where he answered a few fan questions regarding his role in Ghostbusters.

“[The role] kind of came alive as we got there. Because I remember talking to Paul, the director, and not really not knowing who the character was and he said, ‘That’s fine. It’s going to be a lot of improvising.’ And we got there, and the girls and myself, and started improvising, and the character kind of took off. He’s completely wacky, and he needs to be rescued most of the time and probably does more harm than good, most of the time. Doesn’t know how to answer the phone. Just hoping to get some free-rent. He’s hoping that comes with the job, which it kind of does.”

Hemsworth, along with Tom Hiddleston, had a positive reaction to the question, as the two joked about the God of Thunder not having to stay on a strict-gym regimen to prepare for the role. Hemsworth specifically points out that he, along with his co-stars Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon, and Leslie Jones, worked together to figure how to make the character work rather than leave it up to Feig. Hemsworth’s description of the character seems to indicate that he’ll be the butt of a lot jokes in the film.

But Kevin won’t be the first time Feig has given moviegoers a vastly different look at a Hollywood star, as the critically acclaimed director elected to do the same sort of move with Jason Statham in last summer’s hit Spy. From Hemsworth’s description of his role, it certainly appears Kevin will have fumble his way through Ghostbusters like Statham did in Spy.

Placing a star like Hemsworth in a role like this should be, at the very least, refreshing for fans and critics would like to see him play a wider variety of roles. Feig has had a lot of success with this distinct change in the past, so it certainly seems like Hemsworth should excel in the comic-relief role that Feig clearly believes he is capable of doing.

Still, Kevin will be vastly different than Thor, so it should be interesting to see how Hemsworth handles the new role.

Ghostbusters will be released in U.S. theaters on July 15, 2016.

Source: ComicBook.com