Yet another giant step for Apple-kind as the iPad makes hearts beat faster across the financial services sector can wider acceptance of Apple products in the enterprise be far behind? BNP Paribas Securities Services’ NeoLink client portal is now available on iPad. Launched in 2008, NeoLink gives clients instant access to all of their on-line applications. This may not mean a huge heap to some readers, but it is hugely significant to those working within financial markets, as it represents just one of many moves by major infomation providers from that sector to introduce iPad support within their services. BNP Paribas is one of the world’s largest global banking groups. This year it also provided iPads to workers across its sales teams. Mark Hillman, head of marketing and communications at BNP Paribas Securities Service, said, “The move reflects our commitment to using new technology to provide our clients with optimal service levels.”