Ah, Gilmore Girls. This beloved show has created quite the cult following over the past 20 years. The series has given fans a new found love and respect for coffee, small towns, and fast-paced banter. Stars Hollow will live on forever in fans’ hearts as they continue to watch and re-watch the series for the zillionth time.

When the show ended, Gilmore Girls left fans with a lot of great memories, but it’s no secret that viewers were left with quite a few questions as well. Here are 10 unanswered questions we still have about Lorelai, Rory and the rest of our Stars Hollow homies.

How Did Rory And Lorelai Afford Their Lifestyle?

Lorelai and Rory live a pretty comfortable life in Connecticut despite how often it’s mentioned that money is tight. While Richard and Emily cover some of the bigger expenses such as Rory’s schooling, Lorelai doesn’t accept any further handouts.

Lorelai independently owns a big house in Stars Hollow, has a Jeep, she and Rory eat at Luke’s Diner for almost every meal and are rarely seen wearing the same outfits twice. Lorelai does have a good job at The Independence Inn and then later The Dragonfly, but it doesn’t seem as though this would cover all of the expenses depicted throughout the show.

Who Is Al?

You know which Al we’re referring to here, Al of Al’s Pancake World, of course. Al’s Pancake World was known for serving some of the best Chinese food in Stars Hollow. Well, it’s “the best” if best also means sub-par. The girls were known for eating at Al’s whenever they wanted to order take out or grab food to take to the Black, White, and Read Bookstore (and movie theater).

This is why it’s so weird that fans never get to know or even see Al. In fact, viewers never even see the inside or outside of Al’s Pancake World. It’s all very mysterious.

Why Did Rory Go To Yale?

If there’s one thing fans know about Rory, it’s that she’s always dreamed of going to Harvard. She talks about it on several occasions, she and Lorelai take a road trip there and there’s even plenty of Harvard memorabilia in her bedroom.

It’s not until she’s accepted into both Harvard and Yale that Rory begins to weigh her options and question which school she should truly go to. There was no overwhelming reason to go to Yale other than to please her grandparents, so her decision to become a Bulldog instead of a Pilgrim still confuses fans to this day.

Did Jason Ever Sue Richard?

Remember when Richard cut Jason out of his business so Jason decided that he was going to sue him? Well, as fans know, this scenario ultimately caused the breakup between Lorelai and Jason since Lorelai couldn’t be with someone who was suing her family.

This is pretty understandable and Jason was never meant to be with Lorelai long-term anyhow, but what happened with the lawsuit? This was a big storyline for a few episodes and then it was dropped and never spoken of again. It’s possible Jason changed his mind about suing the Gilmores, but viewers deserve to know for sure.

Where Was Mr. Kim?

Throughout the entire series, fans get to know Lane and the iconic Mrs. Kim. It’s well known in the Gilmore Girls fandom that Lane did have a present father throughout the show, but if that’s the case then why didn’t viewers ever see him? Mr. Kim didn’t make his Gilmore Girls debut until the Netflix reboot, Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life.

In the reboot, Mr. Kim isn’t seen for longer than five seconds as he was given just a quick cameo. This was most likely a nod from Gilmore Girls, acknowledging the fact that Mr. Kim was never in the original series.

Why Did Lorelai Marry Christopher?

The entire seventh season of Gilmore Girls was a little ridiculous, but this specific storyline was just bonkers. There’s no way that Lorelai’s character would actually want to marry Christopher. Sure, these two have had a past and it’s easy to see why she’s still romantically interested from time to time, but she just wasn’t in love with him.

Aside from all of this, Lorelai loves Rory more than anything, so marrying Christopher in Paris without her daughter present just makes the whole situation even more confusing.

How Did Covering Obama’s Campaign Go For Rory?

This was Rory’s big success at the end of the series. She nabbed a spot on the campaign trail covering Obama’s candidacy and everyone was thrilled. This was a huge stepping stone in her career, so it makes sense why fans couldn’t wait to hear how it helped her become a super successful journalist in the Gilmore Girls reboot.

Unfortunately, not only was this campaign never spoken of during the reboot, but Rory was also not a successful journalist.  Rory has always been determined and unrelenting in pursuing her passion for writing so it was disheartening for fans to see how much she was struggling in the revival.

Why Weren’t Sookie And Jess At Luke And Lorelai’s Wedding?

Luke and Lorelai’s wedding was a pretty controversial part of the reboot. While fans couldn’t wait to see these two finally tie the knot, the pair ended up marrying in the middle of the night with very few of their loved ones present. Specifically, Sookie and Jess were among the missing guests.

Not only does this break fans’ hearts, but it also makes no sense. Why did they have their wedding without them? Sookie is Lorelai’s best friend and should have been standing up there with her, while Jess should have been standing right next to Luke.

Who Does Rory End Up With?

Rory’s love life makes up many storylines throughout the original series and the reboot. In the reboot, Rory’s most prominent relationship is with Logan. This is unfortunate on many levels. First of all, Logan is cheating on his fiance to be with Rory, and Rory is mostly okay with this.

Secondly, fans saw Rory and Logan break up at the end up of the original series and go their separate ways. Viewers had made their peace with this, so why bring them back together for the revival? It seems that Jess is to Rory as Luke is to Lorelai, so why doesn’t she end up with Jess? It’s possible that she does, but fans may never know for sure as her final relationship status is unclear.

Who Is The Father Of Rory’s Baby?

Finally, the burning question that Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life left viewers with. Fans may never find out who the father of Rory’s baby is, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t speculate. The options, in order of probability, seem to be: Jess, Paul, The Wookiee, and Logan.

In fact, Logan is the most probable option considering the circumstances. If Logan is the father, then things have come full circle for the ladies, considering the similarities that Christopher and Logan share.