A behind-the-scenes book for Christopher Nolan’s latest film, Dunkirk, promises to give an in-depth making of for the World War II thriller. The tenth film from the acclaimed writer/director, the forthcoming drama explores the infamous evacuation of British and allied forces from Nazi occupied territory in 1940.

Dunkirk features starring turns from such critically acclaimed performers as Kenneth Branagh, Tom Hardy, and Mark Rylance - in addition to the premiere of Harry Styles as a lead actor. The film has already secured overwhelmingly positive early reviews, currently sitting pretty with a 98% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, while current projections have it slated for a $40 million opening weekend. Those as enthralled as critics can get even more in on the action by way of The Making of Dunkirk book.

Written by James Mottram with a special forward from Nolan, The Making of Dunkirk breaks down the long hours and hard work put into making the film. Featuring interviews with the director and key department heads, and filled to the brim with exclusive imagery from the shoot - including concept art, storyboards, and other visuals from the set - movie buffs will want to check out this impressive publication as it hits store shelves - both physical and online - today.

Nolan previously wowed moviegoers in 2014 with his epic science-fiction odyssey Interstellar - which despite earning a mere 71% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes went on to earn $675.1 million at the box office - and by all accounts offered thus far, Dunkirk should be a more than fitting follow-up. The director of The Dark Knight trilogy has become a powerhouse unto himself within the entertainment industry at large, and The Making of Dunkirk offers another testament to the filmmaker’s continuing success. Indeed, such an exhaustive book serves to exemplify why viewers should see Dunkirk in 70mm, highlighting the craft that defines the director.

Next: Dunkirk: How Christopher Nolan’s War Movie Got a Green Light

Source: Insight Editions

  • Dunkirk Release Date: 2017-07-21