This guide is going to go over a number of beginner’s tips that will get you started on the right foot in this game. Let’s dive in! 

10 Tips for Getting Started in God Wars Future Past

1. Be sure to search the herbs and box areas before ending battle.

You learn early on that you can choose to search boxes for loot, and shiny herb areas if you use Kintaro’s special skill. It is important that you do this before defeating the last enemy, because the battle automatically ends once you do put an end to them – which means you will miss the items if you don’t check before the final blow.

2. Pay close attention to each job’s stats, and the stats of each character 

Each Job you pick has a certain amount of stat growth in each area. (For example, some can have higher Magic Attack and lower Physical Attack.)

Each character also has different base stats in a particular area. You will want to look at both of these to determine the best Jobs for each character. 

Example: If a character has a higher Magic Attack than most of the other characters, and a lower Physical Attack, they would be better suited to a Magician job than a Warrior job.

3. Keep an eye on enemy weapons, skills, and the terrain.

This game is all about tactical advantages, so you need to know your enemy. Pay attention to whether or not an enemy is above or below you, if they have a bow or other long-range attack, etc.

If they are using bows, you will want to make sure they aren’t above you in elevation. Also try not to get within range of long-ranged attacks if you aren’t able to hit them or use other skills.

4. Press Square when targeting an enemy for addition stats.

This is great for viewing an enemy’s class, passive skills, resistances, and more. Everything you need to know can by seen by cycling through their stats with the Square button.

5. Have a Balance of Jobs, including a Tank and Healer.

It is good to have a variety of Jobs so you can handle any situation. Healers are important because they will keep your party alive.

Tanks are important because they can take a lot of damage and increase their Impurity. Characters with high Impurity will be targeted first for attacks, so they can also keep your other members from being harmed.

6. Don’t be afraid to play on Easy.

There is no penalty for playing on Easy, and no benefit for playing on harder difficulties. In fact, Easy gives you better rewards for completing each battle. The only reason to play on harder difficulties is if you want a challenge.

7. Invest in MP and MP Recovery Abilities early on for Casters

Priest and Magicians use a lot of MP for their main attack and support abilities. Things will be much easier, and more fun, if you have more MP to use more abilities.

I especially suggest the Meditation skill that you can cast to gain MP.

8. Pay attention to which direction you face after your turn is over

Getting hit from the back or the side makes you take more damage. If you can, have your character face a direction that will protect these positions.

9. Use the Right Stick to change your Camera View

Sometimes it is hard to see exactly how an enemy is faced or where a unit is on the battlefield. You can use your right stick to rotate the camera, and zoom in and out.

10. Go to Options if you want to Speed up Battles

The animations look great, but sometimes you want to speed through things if you are playing a bunch of battles, or redoing earlier levels. If you go to Options, you can go down to Speed Up, and select Yes.

This will skip most of the animation and camera effects so you can get through battles quicker.

Those were my 10 tips for starting in God Wars Future Past. Let me know if you have any questions!