Introduced last year, Google Earth for the iPhone and iPod touch has been “one of the most popular applications in the App Store, and after only six months, was the second most-downloaded free application overall” notes Google’s Lat Long Blog. “Browsing the world from the palm of your hand can be a thrilling experience, and viewing photos, Wikipedia articles, and place information is a great way to discover new parts of the globe. With the latest version of Google Earth for iPhone, we’ve made this even easier,” notes Peter Birch, Product Manager, Google Earth When you touch an icon on the map, a small glow appears under your finger to let you know which icon you have picked. If your finger touches more than one icon, you’ll be taken to a list of all icons, so you can select the one you are interested in. The software also calls in Wikipedia articles and other data concerning places you choose. The free software is already available on the App Store.