If you haven’t connected it yet, connect it to power and turn on both devices. The red blinking light means there’s no internet connection or service has been interrupted:

Check those other devices with internet access (like tablets, laptops, and smart TVs). If they do, follow these steps:

Check any cables connecting between the network box (NID) outside on your property and inside in your living room, den, or kitchen area; make sure all cables are securely plugged in at both ends of each cable run—including any splitters installed along with those runs—and check that spare ports aren’t blocked by furniture, etc.; unplug anything else plugged into those ports such as modems or wireless routers; then plug back in one at a time until you find out what isn’t working right now with Google Fiber service today.

How to fix Google red fiber light?

Check the network box: To check the status of your Google Fiber, turn off your device and unplug it from its power source. Next, locate where your device is plugged into a wall outlet and check that spot for any visible damage to the cable or socket.  Check the fiber jack: Check if there’s any dust or debris blocking the port on your Google Fiber modem or wall jack by using an air compressor or compressed air canister to blow out any obstructions that may be present inside one of those devices (with extreme caution). Be sure to use canned air from an aerosol can because those containing propellants like alcohol or propane might cause damage to electronic devices like modems when applied directly but could still be used as a last resort if nothing else works! Try again later: If neither of these solutions worked for getting rid of this issue then we recommend waiting a few hours before trying again so that other users aren’t taking up bandwidth as well; however, if doing so does not work then contact us immediately so that we can help resolve this problem ASAP!

How to reboot the network box?

If your network box is blinking red, you can reboot it. 

Unplug the power cable from the network box.  Stand back for a few seconds and then plug the power cable back.  Wait for a few more seconds until you see that the network box has rebooted (you’ll see a quick flash of green light).  Try connecting your device again.

How to reset the Fiber Jack?

Switch off the power to the fiber jack.  Standby for 30 seconds before turning it back on once more.  After you’ve switched off and on your internet connection, check to see if everything is working properly by opening a browser window and visiting Google Fiber’s speed test page (https://fibertest1-prod-static-ngn3-lwkn7g/). If it loads fine, then you’re good to go!

You may be experiencing an issue with your network box, or possibly the fiber jack. Or maybe you can try again later

You may be experiencing an issue with your network box, or possibly the fiber jack. Or maybe you can try again later.  Try resetting your network box by unplugging it from power and removing the cover, then pressing and holding the reset button for 30 seconds. If this doesn’t work, try plugging in a different device to see if that works, then try reconnecting your modem and router again after 30-60 seconds (it should take less than a minute).  If none of these steps resolve the problem and your internet still isn’t working after trying all of them several times each, please contact us for further support by calling 1-888-972-0123 or emailing [email protected]


Hopefully, this article has helped you resolve the issue with your Google Fiber cable box or fiber jack. If you’re still experiencing problems, then try rebooting your network box or resetting the fiber jack again. If not a bit of these fix works, then you may want to communicate with Google Fiber support for further assistance.

What is Google fiber blinking red?

You may see the red blinking light on your network box when there is no internet connection or if the service has been interrupted. It’s located outside a power outlet and related to your house by a fiber jack (also called a splitter) inside your home.

How to fix Google red fiber light?

Check the network box: To check the status of your Google Fiber, turn off your device and unplug it from its power source. Check the fiber jack: Check if there’s any dust or debris blocking the port on your Google Fiber modem. Try again later: If neither of these solutions worked for getting rid of this issue then we recommend waiting a few hours before trying again.