The new website allows travelers to quickly search for hotels, compare them against others in the area and determine if they are getting a good rate vs. historical prices.  The User Interface is VERY simple to use and intuitive.  I spent about 3 minutes playing with the different settings.  I also really liked the option to highlight popular areas. Once you choose the area, dates and hotel class etc… Google displays the list of hotels that match your search.

Unfortunately, being that Google Deals has yet to be fully rolled out there is no integration yet however it’s probably only a matter of time.  That would be really groovy – Show me a list of hotels AND, display the ones offering huge discounts via Google Deals or Groupon. Google experiments come and go so will see how long this one sticks around.  For now, I’ll probably end up using it when booking hotels via Priceline. Steve Krause, aka MrGroove is the founder of  Steve has worked in Corporate IT for the past 20 years however in his spare time he enjoys writing for various blogs around the internet. If you want to connect with Steve or just give him a bag full of money, drop an email to[/author_info] [/author] Comment