Google has updated its iOS and Android search apps with a more personalized feed of links that may interest you.

The feed will be informed by both your search history and activity in other Google products, like Gmail, Calendar and YouTube.

You’ll notice that your feed will also reflect your interest level for various topics—for example, if you’re a photography enthusiast but just casually interested in fitness, your feed will show that. But if you see something that isn’t up your alley, unfollowing topics is easy too.

The app also now makes it easier to let it know your interests. For some search results – like music artists, movies and sports teams – you’ll be able to tap a Follow button to add that topic to your feed.

Google is aiming to boost both the breadth and depth of information provided.

While Google denies that it’s trying to become Facebook, a much more personalized feed does suggest that this may be its latest attempt at moving more into the social space it previously attempted with the ill-fated Google+.

The updated app is rolling out from today in the USA, and internationally within the next couple of weeks. The Google app is a free download from the App Store.